migrating to new EC2 instance with same volume

Launch a new EC2 instance. Stop that EC2 instance. Detach the root volume from the new instance. Make note of the device name that it was attached as (such as /dev/sda1). Detach the root volume from the original instance. Attach the root volume from the original instance to the new instance, using the same device […]

SSH to EC2

There are of course many ways that you can SSH to a server. In this post, I am specifically talking about EC2 instances on Amazon Linux 2. AWS has also made it easier to connect to your EC2 from AWS Console via EC2 Instance Connect from the browser. But the functionality is limited and it […]

Getting started with Kafka with Go

As always, my blogs are my personal notes. Hi. I started learning Kafka with Go. I am not new to message broker/streaming or OOP. But both Kafka and Go are in entirely different ecosystem from what I am used to so that is a bit challenging. Setup Kafka. I have followed the simple quick start […]

Job interview

Hi, it’s been some time that I haven’t updated my blog. I have been busy but there isn’t much happening technically with my life to blog about. However, recently I have changed the job and I have this knowledge on going through job interviews process and while the knowledge is still warm in my head […]

Sonar, my new friend.

Evaluated a few tools that can help me make my software secure such as Sonarqube, Checkmarx, whitesource and observatory.mozilla. The last one is blackbox scanning though. Factors that are important for me. It must be free as it is for my side project and not for work. It must be easy to install and run. […]

Reactjs > Nextjs

Hi, after reacting how important it is to SSR for SEO purpose, I have decided to convert Reactjs app to Nextjs app. Here is my experience. Function component vs Class component This is very much debatable which one is better. I must admit I don’t know React well enough to understand the benefits of each […]

Getting started with web/software development

I sometimes get asked this question or variations of it from friends who know me as a professional software developer, ‘how can i become a software developer’ or ‘I learnt a bit of programming in college long time ago, what do i need to do to refresh my skills to become a software developer’. So […]