TLS Always

HTTPS is a must now-a-days and it’s easier to set up than ever before. SSL Certificates are all free and there are tools to help you get one, verifiy your domain and even to renew them automatically assuming you’re hosting your site in modern setup as you should in 2020. In this blog post, I […]

My new site for best Myanmar song lyrics

I have a new site. The front end is developed in ReactJs. As I use Angular at work, this is a good learning opportunity for me. I tried to use different technologies for this project than what I normally need to use at work. Main site pages Some […]

Everything SEO

Hi, as always my blog is the place with my collection of personal notes. This time about SEO which I only started learning (a bit deeper) into just few days ago. Here will be a few of my checklist and things to look into improving SEO. You can look at by searching this in Google […]

Extending volume Linux EC2

(just a note for myself, only applies to my EC2 linux) go to EC2 Console page. Elastic Block Store > Volumes. Action > Modify Volume. Put new size and Modify. Once the volume is in optimizing state you can modify the volume so that Linux file system recognise the change. Connect to EC2. lsblk sudo […]

react-native resources

react-native is a very popular mobile framework. just like react it is very un-opinionated, one needs to know other tools and libraries to build an app. so let’s be more opinionated. here’s the list of best tools and libraries available for react-native development at the time of writting. react-native Official react native site. create-react-native-app […]

Adding environment variables on Mac Catalina

There are always many ways to set environment variables on different operating systems. On Linux, there are many places you can set environment variables and different applications look for environment variables in different locations. I came across this problem while working on a home project on my Mac. I was using Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(“MY_VAR”); in dotnet core. […]

Git notes

remove tracked and untracked and directories git clean -fx -fd pull a clean copy from git git fetch –all git reset –hard origin/master git refresh gitignore, If you added gitignored after commits git rm -r –cached . git add . git commit -m “.gitignore is now working” Combining multiple commits Git locally this only works if […]